Forestry & Bioenergy
There are large opportunities for plantation forestry in Africa, based on attractive growing conditions, land availability and fast-growing markets. However, establishing new forests has proven difficult and it has taken longer than expected to monetise the growing forest. Bioenergy plays a key role when establishing downstream processing industries for forestry (and agriculture!) and reaching out to the highest-paying markets for wood. NAB are well positioned to assist the forest owners in this process and develop, finance, build, co-own and operate bioenergy plants that are co-located with agricultural and wood processing plants.
The New Africa Bioenergy partners have large experience in commercial forestry in Africa, including developing and implementing projects across the entire value chain. We believe that many important lessons from the past will create the basis for attractive investments in the future.
Forestry has a very large potential to mitigate climate change, second only to closing coal power production. Reforestation is also one of the lowest-cost methods for mitigating climate change and has large additional positive environmental, social and economic benefits. Furthermore, large new forests are required for feedstock for biofuel, building materials, etc. While the fight against deforestation (incl. REDD+) is important and has generated good results, reforestation is more important for mitigating climate change and larger positive developmental, environmental and social impacts. Bioenergy and BECCs (including biochar) are integral parts of this process.
Reforestation Activities
The NewAfrica Impact Partners have extensive forestry and landscape restoration experience in Europe and across Africa. They have implemented Africa’s largest reforestation project since 2000, establishing 40,000 ha new forest on 100,000 ha landscape.
Developing Forest Landscape Projects
Land-based projects are complex and large projects require significant preparation. National legislations and requirements are typically extensive and helpful. The FSC standard for sustainable forest management, WWF’s New Generation Plantation Concept and the High Conservation Value Resource Network provide additional standards and tools that must be met for successfully implementing a large-scale landscape project. The IFC performance standards EIB requirements etc. provide important further guidance. Forestry provides more progress towards Global Development Goals than most/any other activity.